Madagascar - one of the poorest countries on the planet - has a population of almost 30 million people. Half of them are children. Half of the children are chronically malnourished. To learn more about Madagascar please visit:
In 1989, Father Pedro Opeka convinced 70 families living in the capital city landfill to leave and, with his help, build their own houses and rebuild their dignity.
30 years later Akamasoa is now a highly-functional virtual city on the outskirts of Madagascar's capital with housing, hospitals, schools and work sites for tens of thousands of Madagascar’s poorest families. Akamasoa has come to the aid of over 500,000 Malagasy. 13,000 children are enrolled in its schools, 3,000 houses have been constructed and 25,000 people live in its villages. See images of Akamasoa below.
To learn more about Father Pedro please visit:
Akamasoa depends on private contributions for its funding. With Father Pedro’s encouragement, Sohei Productions created, a U.S. charitable organization dedicated to the continued funding of the Akamasoa community. This is the only U.S. charity for Akamasoa endorsed by Father Pedro.
All contributions are tax deductible.
Please help the children of Madagascar if you can. is a charitable organization exempt under 501c(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions are tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Bequests, devises, transfers and gifts are also tax deductible.
All proceeds go directly to Father Pedro's Akamasoa humanitarian organization.
All online donations are conducted via PayPal (credit, debit or otherwise).
For contributions by wire transfer or check please contact us here.

Father Pedro leads mass at Akamasoa

Father Pedro leads mass at Akamasoa